Company Profile|Company Information

Pursuit of apparel business in the new era

Since our foundation in 1948 originally as ‘Okayama Kinujinken Orimono’ and consistently guided by our corporate philosophy of ‘integrity’, we have contributed to society by creating new markets primarily in the fashion industry. We know that our success was only possible with the support of our customers and all our business partners, and for this we are truly grateful.

As we have been seeing recently, the world is reaching a momentous turning point. In this unforgiving business environment, the only companies which can survive are the ones that are able to keep up with customers’ changing needs by continuously offering products with fresh value.

In this challenging environment, we will be promoting a change to SPA (speciality store retailer of private label apparel) style business by drawing on our sensitivity to the latest fashion trends, our planning expertise and our impressive production capacity both within Japan and overseas, which we have built up over years of successful operations. By not having to work through wholesalers but instead facing customers directly in our own retail space, we will be able to sense and swiftly respond to market needs as well as to speed up our product development process. Over the coming years, Caitac Group intends to expand its SPA chain and will develop and establish in-house brands with significant consumer appeal.

We will be redoubling our effort, so that we continue to provide products and services that can truly delight our customers, and seek to expand and open up new fields of business with our pioneering spirit.


Caitac Group

Caitac Corporation


Caitac Trading, Inc.

Caitac Family, Inc.

Caitac International, Inc.
